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Apulian Ceramist

Apulia, Southern Italy (Nowadays Puglia) IV Century B.C.

Material: Red figures decorated terracotta

Size: 28 cm height

review by gherardo turchi

Apulian Oinochoe, red figures decorated, with an ovoid body, from which a truncated conical high neck unravels culminating in a narrow trefoil rim and resting on a lowered bell-shaped base; this work of art has a vertical ribbed surmounting handle, having three heads applied at the brim, while a fourth one highlights the base of the handle.

The scene depicted on the central body, placed in a wide band bordered in the upper part by a row of tabs-alike and in the lower one by a wavy motif, has two figures: a naked hero with a cloak in his

right hand and a large “phiale” on the left, approaching a richly dressed woman wearing a cloak, who in turn lifts up an alabastron. The back of the central body is decorated, instead, with a small palm.

This work of art was checked by the “Carabinieri” (Italian police corp) Cultural Heritage Protection Unit of Florence and was of legitimate origin, thus obtaining the authorization for sale by the Archaeological, Fine Arts and Landscape Superintendence for the metropolitan city of Florence and the provinces of Pistoia and Prato.

This work of art, although not subject to a protection obligation by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage, cannot be exported outside the Italian national territory.

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